Squilla Maritima Homeopathic Remedy
Squilla Maritima Homeopathic Remedy (sea-onion) a slow acting remedy. Corresponds to ailments requiring several days to reach their maximum. Persistent, dull, rheumatic pains permeate the body. A spleen medicine; stitches under left
100% Organic
This herbal infusion is made from dried organic St John's Wort flowers infused in Certified Organic Helianthus annus (Sunflower Oil). This infused oil is used has been known to soothe sunburn
100% Organic Essential Oil
Saint John's Wort Organic essential oil is an excellent anti-inflammatory of the skin and above all the mucous membranes; it also has anti-traumatic and healing properties.
It is an antiseptic
Common Name: St. John's Wort
Botanical Name: Hypericum perforatum
Part Used: Flowering Tops
Ratio: 1:2
Relief of anxiety and neuralgia
Relief of symptoms of menopause
Fatigue, especially if due to nervous tension
Mild depression
Relief of sleeplessness
To support healthy bladder function in children
Common Name: St. Mary's Thistle
Botanical Name: Silybum marianum
Part Used: Fruit
Ratio: 1:1
25 mg/ml of silymarin
St Marys Thistle may be helpful with liver function, liver damage, liver cirrhosis, hepatitis A, B, C, fatty liver and gallstones.
Milk thistle
Staphysagria 200c - homeopathic remedy
Staphysagria is a remedy for injuries to soft tissue, especially after surgery. It is also a remedy for ailments that have been caused by emotions that have been suppressed, including those
Staphysagria is a remedy for injuries to soft tissue, especially after surgery. It is also a
remedy for ailments that have been caused by emotions that have been suppressed,
including those connected with sexual abuse.
Staphysagria has been
100% Organic Essential Oil
Star Anise Essential Oil has an aroma similar to black licorice. Star Anise Oil can be useful in diffuser and inhaler intended to help ease bronchitis, colds and the
Star of Bethlehem Bach Flower Remedy - shock.
Star of Bethlehem Bach Flower Remedy may be helpful for those in great distress under conditions which for a time produce great unhappiness. The shock of serious news,
Homeopathic Remedy Sticta Pulmonaria (Lungwort) may be helpful with symptoms like coryza, bronchial catarrh and influenza, together with nervous and rheumatic disturbances. There is a general feeling of dullness and malaise, as when a cold
Sticta Pulmonaria (Lungwort) for a set of symptoms like coryza, bronchial catarrh and influenza, together with nervous and rheumatic disturbances. There is a general feeling of dullness and malaise, as when a cold is coming
Homeopathic stramonium is used in the treatment of fear, anxiety and panic disorders, such as PTSD and panic attacks. Interestingly, it is also used in the treatment of many childhood acute ailments that are accompanied
Australian Bush Flowers are Essences (from Australian plants) that are a system of energetic healing that anyone can use. Developed by Naturopath Ian White.
Our remedies are made with great care and the way they were
Australian Bush Flowers are Essences (from Australian plants) that are a system of energetic healing that anyone can use. Developed by Naturopath Ian White.
Our remedies are made with great care and the way they were
Homeopathic Sulphur has been shown as an effective remedy for treating the mind and lungs, and it is also a specific remedy for skin problems, joints and glands.
Sulphur has been used as an effective remedy
Sulphur has been shown as an effective remedy for treating the mind and lungs, and it is also
a specific remedy for skin problems, joints and glands.
Sulphur has been used as an effective remedy for beating
Australian Bush Flowers are Essences (from Australian plants) that are a system of energetic healing that anyone can use. Developed by Naturopath Ian White.
Our remedies are made with great care and the way they were
Australian Bush Flowers are Essences (from Australian plants) that are a system of energetic healing that anyone can use. Developed by Naturopath Ian White.
Our remedies are made with great care and the way they were
Sweet Chestnut Bach Flower Remedy - Extreme mental anguish, when everything has been tried and there is no light left.
Sweet Chestnut Bach Flower Remedy may be helpful for those moments which happen to some people
Australian Bush Flowers are Essences (from Australian plants) that are a system of energetic healing that anyone can use. Developed by Naturopath Ian White.
Our remedies are made with great care and the way they were
Symphoricarpus Snowberry may be useful with persistent nausea and vomiting in pregnancy. Morning sickness. CHOOSE SIZE HERE, enter the potency in “ORDER NOTES” at checkout. If unsure of potency our homeopath will contact
Symphoricarpus racemosa snowberry may be useful with persistent nausea and vomiting in pregnancy. Morning sickness. CHOOSE THE REMEDY, enter the potency in “ORDER NOTES” at checkout. If unsure of potency our homeopath will contact
Symphytum comfrey- Homeopathic Remedy
Symphytum comfrey is a homeopathic remedy may be useful with the mending of broken bones, and the treatment of bone diseases, ranging from inflammation of the bones, injuries to bones, cartilage, tendons
Symphytum comfrey knitbone Homeopathic Remedy
Symphytum comfrey knitbone is a homeopathic remedy which may be useful with the mending of broken bones, and the treatment of bone diseases, ranging from inflammation of the bones, injuries to bones,
Syphilinum Homeopathic Remedy (Nosode) for utter prostration and debility in the morning. Shifting rheumatic pains. Chronic eruptions and rheumatism. Pains from darkness to daylight; decrease and increase gradually. Hereditary tendency to alcoholism. Ulceration of mouth,
Syzygium Jambolanum may stabilise blood sugar levels. Can be useful in diabetes mellitus. CHOOSE THE REMEDY, enter the potency in “ORDER NOTES” at checkout. If unsure of potency our homeopath will contact
Syzygium jambolanum dosage stabilise blood sugar levels. May be a helpful remedy in diabetes mellitus.
CHOOSE SIZE HERE, enter the potency in “ORDER NOTES” at checkout.
If unsure of potency our homeopath will contact
Australian Bush Flowers are Essences (from Australian plants) that are a system of energetic healing that anyone can use. Developed by Naturopath Ian White.
Our remedies are made with great care and the way they were
Australian Bush Flowers are Essences (from Australian plants) that are a system of energetic healing that anyone can use. Developed by Naturopath Ian White.
Our remedies are made with great care and the way they were
Common Name: Teasel
Botanical Name: Dipsacus asper
Part Used: Root
Ratio: 1:2
Widely used as a remedy for bone health and in the treatment of lower back pain, knee pain, rheumatoid arthritis, postmenopausal osteoporosis, bone fractures, joint disease, muscle