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Syphilinum Homeopathic Remedy


Syphilinum Homeopathic Remedy (Nosode) for utter prostration and debility in the morning. Shifting rheumatic pains. Chronic eruptions and rheumatism. Pains from darkness to daylight; decrease and increase gradually. Hereditary tendency to alcoholism. Ulceration of mouth, nose, genitals, skin. Succession of abscesses. Loss of memory; remembers everything previous to his illness. Apathetic; feels as if going insane or being paralyzed. Fears the night, and the suffering from exhaustion on awakening. Hopeless; despairs of recovery. Linear pains from temple across, or from eyes backward; cause sleeplessness and delirium at night. Falling of the hair. Pain in bones of head. Top of head feels as if coming off. Stupefying cephalalgia.Chronic, recurrent, phlyctenular inflammation of cornea; successive crops of phlyctenular and abrasions of epithelial layer of cornea; photophobia intense, lachrymation profuse. Lids swollen; pain intense at night.Sciatica; worse at night; better about day-break. Rheumatism of shoulder-joint, at insertion of deltoid. Run-around. Severe pain in long bones. Redness and rawness between toes (Sil). Rheumatism, muscles are caked in hard knot or lumps. Always washing the hands. Indolent ulcers. Muscles contracted in hard knots. Ulcers on labia. Leucorrhœa profuse, thin, watery, acrid, with sharp, knife-pain in ovaries.

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$10.60$150.00 excl. GST

Product Code: N/A. Dimensions: N/A

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Syphilinum Homeopathic Remedy (Nosode) for utter prostration and debility in the morning. Shifting rheumatic pains. Chronic eruptions and rheumatism. Pains from darkness to daylight; decrease and increase gradually. Hereditary tendency to alcoholism. Ulceration of mouth, nose, genitals, skin. Succession of abscesses. Loss of memory; remembers everything previous to his illness. Apathetic; feels as if going insane or being paralyzed. Fears the night, and the suffering from exhaustion on awakening. Hopeless; despairs of recovery. Linear pains from temple across, or from eyes backward; cause sleeplessness and delirium at night. Falling of the hair. Pain in bones of head. Top of head feels as if coming off. Stupefying cephalalgia.Chronic, recurrent, phlyctenular inflammation of cornea; successive crops of phlyctenular and abrasions of epithelial layer of cornea; photophobia intense, lachrymation profuse. Lids swollen; pain intense at night.Sciatica; worse at night; better about day-break. Rheumatism of shoulder-joint, at insertion of deltoid. Run-around. Severe pain in long bones. Redness and rawness between toes (Sil). Rheumatism, muscles are caked in hard knot or lumps. Always washing the hands. Indolent ulcers. Muscles contracted in hard knots. Ulcers on labia. Leucorrhœa profuse, thin, watery, acrid, with sharp, knife-pain in ovaries.

CHOOSE THE SIZE HERE and enter the POTENCY in “ORDER NOTES” at checkout.

If unsure of POTENCY our homeopath will contact you to help.