Cocculus has been known as a remedy affecting the senses. It has been used for motion
sickness, nausea and anxiety.
General symptoms for administrating Cocculus remedy include a sense of faintness, pain in
the belly, trembling, nausea associated
Homeopathic remedy Coffea cruda is primarily associated with physical and mental symptoms related to hyperactivity, sleeplessness and overstimulation.
1. Key Characteristics
Coffea cruda is often indicated for individuals who experience heightened mental and physical activity, restlessness, and
Colchicum has traditionally been prescribed in cases of extreme physical weakness. This
remedy affects the mind and the body, working on muscles, joints and alleviating gout.
Colchicum remedy has been used in the treatment of liver ailments,
Colocynthis has been used as a remedy specific for the treatment of trigeminal neuralgia,
sciatic pains, digestive ailments and emotional complaints such as anger and irritation.
Colocynthis has been used as an acute remedy for very painful
Conium has been known as a premium homeopathic remedy for paralysis on both physical as
well as emotional level, glandular problems and injuries to soft tissue.
Conium has been used in the treatment of weakness of all
Drosera has been known as a first-aid cough remedy, good for colds, flu and whooping
Drosera has been used as a first choice remedy for cough, especially violent spasmodic
cough that is worse after midnight. Other ailments
Dulcamara has been used to treat joint problems, skin conditions and complaints that have an
influence on the mucus membranes.
The primary use of Dulcamara is for treating health conditions that influence the skin, mucous
membranes as well
Eupatorium has been used as one of the most popular remedies for aches and pains that
accompany flu.
Eupatorium has been known as a traditional homeopathic remedy for pains, aches,
restlessness and discomfort, which are worse during flu
Euphrasia has been used as a specific remedy for ailments of the eye and mucous
Euphrasia has been known as a traditional remedy for eye and vision complaints such as
inflammation, tired and strained eyes worse from
Gelsemium has been used as a first-aid remedy for flu when all the symptoms are worse from
anticipation and intense emotions.
Gelsemium has been used to help in the treatment of acute ailments with slow onset
accompanied by
Graphites has been known as a remedy specific for skin conditions and where a person is
unable to digest and absorb nutrients in the body.
Graphites has been used in the treatment of various chronic skin conditions
Hamamelis has been known as a major remedy for congestion, haemorrhages, varicose veins and haemorrhoids (piles). Hamamelis has been used as a first choice remedy for the symptom relief of the varicose
veins and haemorrhoids (piles),
Hepar sulphuricum is a remedy for skin eruptions, glandular swellings and mental anguish
suited for hypersensitive people.
Hepar sulphuricum has been used to treat wet coughs with yellow mucous and sore throats
with colds. This can be also
Histaminum is a homeopathic remedy that may be useful with allergies such as hay fever, gluten intolerance, dairy intolerance, grass, dust and dust mites, chemical allergy, red patches, welts that appear across the skin and the
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Melatonin occurs naturally in the body and is secreted by the pineal gland during the night.
Melatonin has an effect on our biological clocks and controls processes such as sleeping and waking.
Homoeopathic Melatonin 6X
Hydrastis (golden seal) is a remedy essential for drainage, especially useful after surgery, to
accompany conventional medicine.
Hydrastis has been used for symptoms of degenerative conditions with overall weakness.
The patients may be suffering from illness/diseases in the
Hypericum, known by its herbal name St. John's Wort is well known for its effectiveness as an anti-viral, for nerve damage and for anxiety and depression. That is why Hypericum is the most Indicated remedy for
Ignatia has been known as a major remedy for grief as well as emotional and
physical trauma.
Ignatia has been traditionally used as a major remedy for all ailments that
relate to silent grief such as bad news
Ipecac is a homeopathic remedy used for the relief of nausea, vomiting and pain.
Ipecac is used for the type of nausea that doesn’t go away even after vomiting, such as occurs with a stomach virus
Iris versicolor (blue flag) has been used as a remedy for headache with vomiting and indigestion.
Iris versicolor has been known to help with migraine headaches with vomiting and visual
disturbances and with indigestion for delicate people.
Kali Bichromicum has been used as a major remedy for pain, congestion and digestion.
Kali Bichromicum has been proven as a useful remedy for colds with congested mucus. It is
also used for pains that shoot rapidly
Kali Carbonicum is a remedy for backaches, headaches, mental conditions and emotional
mood swings.
A key symptom for Kali Carbonicum remedy is backache in the lumbar region after childbirth
or abortion, palpitations in the heart region, and sharp
Key Symptoms for Kali Iod are Catarrh, chronic sinusitis, chest infections and congestion, swellings and other inflammatory conditions of glands. Kali Iod is often prescribed for chest conditions that are chronic, long lasting or frequently
Homeopathic Lac Caninum may be effective for sore throat, diphtheria, and rheumatism.
It may also helpful in conditions like weakness, prostration, sinking spells, mastitis, hypersensitivity, erratic pains, rheumatism pains, irregular menses, depression, delusions, sore throat, chancres
Lachesis has been known as a specific emotional remedy for overactive mind,
intense passion and jealousy.
People who might benefit from Lachesis are restless and often have difficulty
concentrating on their work. Physical symptoms include circulatory problems,
menopausal symptoms
Lycopodium homeopathic remedy
Lycopodium homeopathic has been known to assist the body to absorb and digest nutrients, to support the liver and tonify the gallbladder and digestive tract.
Lycopodium has been used as a major remedy for scabies
Magnesium Carbonicum (mag carb) is a homeopathic remedy that may be beneficial for exhaustion, unrefreshing sleep, where the whole body feels tired and exhausted nerves. Mag Carb may also be helpful with spasms or cramps
Mercurius corrosives (Merc Cor) has been used for sore throats; red, swollen and burning pain which
may extend to ears. It may also be used to treat late stages of gonorrhea.
Mercurius corrosives has been used in
Merc solubilis is primarily prescribed to cure ulcers, especially if they have an effect on the
stomach like in the instance of ulcerative colitis (chronic ulceration in the large intestine),
which is accompanied by diarrhoea along with
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