Homeopathic Pills


Nux vomica (Nux Vom) is a useful remedy for people who are inclined to be angry or irritable and it has been used to treat constipation and sore throat. Nux vomica has been used as a liver


Oscillococcinum (Anas Barbariae) may help with relief from flu-like symptoms such as body aches, headache, fever, chills, fatigue. May reduce the duration and severity of flu symptoms. CHOOSE THE SIZE HERE, enter the potency in


Phosphoric Acid (Phos Ac) is the best Homeopathic remedy for greying of hair resulting from grief. Phosphoric Acid is the top natural Homeopathic medicine for treatment of premature greying of hair resulting from grief and


Phosphorus homeopathic Phosphorus homeopathic has been used as a remedy good for recovering from surgery and jet lag and also for burning pains, haemorrhage, hyperglycaemia and colds and flu. Phosphorus has been used as one of the


Pluton formula in pills for Cold and Flu Relief. Pluton is a blend of homeopathic remedies to reduce the symptoms and length of Cold and Flu. Contains - Anas barb 200c, Arsenicum alb 30c, Ferrum Phos 200c.   Directions:


Podophyllum has been used as a first-aid remedy for diarrhoea and digestive problems to accompany conventional medicinal treatment. Podophyllum has been known as a first choice remedy for acute diarrhoea, often alternating with constipation and accompanied by headache.


The remedy Pulsatilla is suited to clinging and dependent people, who are worse for being alone. Itís been also used for non-specific pains in the chest, heart congestion and colds with yellow discharge. Pulsatilla can be a useful


Rhus toxicodendron is a remedy for skin irritations, rheumatic pains, shingles, problems with mucous membranes, such as cold sores, mouth ulcers and joint problems. Rhus toxicodendron has been used as a popular remedy for problems with mucous membranes


First and foremost think about Ruta graveolens for injuries to the ligaments, tendons and the periosteum or lining of the bones. This remedy is of use in areas where the skin is close to the


In homeopathy, sabadilla is extensively prescribed for treating hay fever, allergies, childrenís diarrhoea, worms and other health conditions which include sporadic sneezing accompanied by runny nose, reddish eyes and acute frontal pain. Sabadilla is indicated for use in


Sepia is a remedy primarily for women and is useful at the menopause, during pregnancy and childbirth, and at times of weakness and exhaustion. Sepia has been known as a primary remedy for women, pregnancy, childbirth and menopause.


Silica has been used for a lack of confidence, digestive problems, toothache, asthma and allergies. Silica has been known as a constitutional remedy for people who suffer from frequent and recurrent infections and colds, tonsillitis,


The remedy Spongia has been used for colds, coughs and flues, as well as for children with swollen glands and exhaustion after physical exertion for both children and adults. Spongia has been known as a first choice


Staphysagria is a remedy for injuries to soft tissue, especially after surgery. It is also a remedy for ailments that have been caused by emotions that have been suppressed, including those connected with sexual abuse. Staphysagria has been


Sticta Pulmonaria (Lungwort) for a set of symptoms like coryza, bronchial catarrh and influenza, together with nervous and rheumatic disturbances. There is a general feeling of dullness and malaise, as when a cold is coming


Sulphur has been shown as an effective remedy for treating the mind and lungs, and it is also a specific remedy for skin problems, joints and glands. Sulphur has been used as an effective remedy for beating


Symphoricarpus Snowberry may be useful with persistent nausea and vomiting in pregnancy. Morning sickness. CHOOSE SIZE HERE, enter the potency in “ORDER NOTES” at checkout. If unsure of potency our homeopath will contact


Symphytum comfrey- Homeopathic Remedy Symphytum comfrey is a homeopathic remedy may be useful with the mending of broken bones, and the treatment of bone diseases, ranging from inflammation of the bones, injuries to bones, cartilage, tendons


Syzygium jambolanum dosage stabilise blood sugar levels. May be a helpful remedy in diabetes mellitus. CHOOSE SIZE HERE, enter the potency in “ORDER NOTES” at checkout. If unsure of potency our homeopath will contact


The remedy Thuja is suitable for treating many conditions. It works on skin, blood, gastrointestinal tract, genitalia, kidneys and brain. It is also a first choice remedy for warts, fibroids and tumours in conjunction with conventional medicine. Thuja


Homeopathic remedy Tobaccum has a significant effect on tobacco craving, and may aid in the process of quitting smoking. Tobaccum is an excellent remedy for those who are having the issues like nausea, vomiting, motion sickness,