Bloating – how to improve and prevent it

By Karen Morris

Let’s talk about bloating!

This week the team and I at Herbs Online have been testing out some new recipes for our range of protein shakes and we started talking about bloating. Bloating is something that affects so many of my clients when they first come to see me, usually because they have been trying new foods or because their stress levels are high. Bloating can be impacted by things such as hormones, diet, bacteria in the gut and food intolerances.

In this blog I will share a little about how bloating occurs and what we recommend in the clinic.

One of the most common causes of temporary bloating is gas in the abdomen. About half of the gas in the digestive system is swallowed air. This can occur when we eat with our mouth open or try and talk while eating. The rest of the gas in the abdomen is produced by bacteria in the gut that helps digest food. Constipation, food allergies and intolerances can lead to bloating. When stool becomes backed up in the large bowel, it can cause bloating and a feeling of discomfort. Excess gas may also build up behind the stool, making the bloating worse.

Other causes include:

1) Diet drinks and fizzy drinks

2) Lack of fiber or too much fiber

3) Hormonal changes. Many people experience bloating before and during their periods due to hormonal changes and water retention.

4) Imbalance of microorganisms that usually live in the bowel (dysbacteriosis); sometimes the result of taking antibiotics

5) Increased curvature of the lumbar region of the spine (lumbar lordosis), which decreases the capacity of the abdomen to hold gas

At Herbs Online Shop we recommend a range of things to try to help reduce bloating. Firstly we look at your diet and recommend you go as plain as possible when it comes to your nutrition for a short period of time. Introducing intermittent fasting can help too, and will give your digestive system a chance to rest. We also recommend our Bloating Herbals. These herbs help to quickly relieve reflux, heartburn, nausea, motion sickness, gas bloating, constipation and other digestive issues. These herbs are traditionally used to reduce the uncomfortable feeling of bloating in the stomach and are therefore designed for anyone struggling with bloating or digestive issues. In our Bloating herbal drops we use a special blend of herbs containing peppermint, fennel, chamomile, slippery elm, meadowsweet and cramp bark.

Other suggestions include taking small regular meals. Don’t avoid eating during the day, followed by a large evening meal and avoid rushed eating. Also reducing sugar and fat will help greatly. 

Reduce fiber consumption. Unless constipated do not add excess bran, fruit or fiber to your diet as these products can induce bloating. A sensible dietary fiber intake is suggested.

Exercise! Exercise improves bowel function and helps get your body moving on the inside as you move on the outside! As well as formal exercise sessions, movement during work time instead of sitting down all day is important. Long periods of time sitting down will worsen bloating. 

Rarely, bloating can signify that something more serious is wrong. If your bloating doesn’t get better by following the steps above, you should see your doctor. 

As always, we are here to help! If you would like to discuss how our herbal supplementation protocols can help you with your health and wellbeing journey, give us a call on 02 9555 5117 or book in your short or extended consultation.

If you’re not already, why not follow us on instagram @herbsonlineshop and Facebook: Herbs Online Shop. We look forward to connecting with you soon.