Liquid Herbal Extracts- 'Alcohol Free' available. Enquire if needed.


What are Haemorrhoid Drops? Haemorrhoid Herbal Drops are a blend of herbs designed to heal and soothe the symptoms of haemorrhoids. Who are Haemorrhoid drops for? Haemorrhoid Herbal Drops may be helpful in decreasing and healing haemorrhoids. The


Common Name: Hawthorn Berries Botanical Name: Crataegus monogyna Part Used: Berry Ratio: 1:1 Hawthorn may be helpful with High Blood Pressure, as it is a cardiotonic. Hawthorne berries are known to dilate the coronary arteries and blood vessels, and improve


What are Hayfever Herbal Drops? Hayfever Herbal Drops are made from a combination of liquid herbs that help to relieve and reduce the symptoms of Hayfever. Who are Hayfever herbal drops for? Hayfever herbal drops are designed to


What are Headache Herbal Drops? Headache herbal drops are a blend of herbals traditionally used to alleviate headaches. Who are Headache herbal drops for? Herbal headache drops are for anyone who suffer from headaches due to stress


Common Name: Hemidesmus Botanical Name: Hemidesmus indicus Part Used: Root Ratio: 1:1 Hemidesmus Indica (Anantmool, Indian Sarsparilla) may be helpful with Autoimmune disease, arthritis, skin disorders. Hemidesmus is traditionally used in inflammatory and autoimmune conditions and is often the first


Common name: Holy Basil Botanical name: Ocimum tenuiflorum Part used: Leaf Ratio: 1:2 Tulsi Fatigue, stress and related conditions, mood disorders (anxiety and mild depression), generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), poor memory and cognition, Alzheimer’s disease. • Cardiovascular tonic, blood pressure, stroke. •


Common Name: Hops Botanical Name: Humulus lupus Part Used: Strobile Ratio: 1:1 Hops (humulus lupus) may be helpful with Insomnia, anxiety, and menopause. The dried, flowering part of hops is used to make medicine. Hops is used for anxiety, inability


Common Name: Horse Chestnut Botanical Name: Aesculus hippocastanum Part Used: Seed Ratio: 1:1 Horsechestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum) may be helpful with Varicose veins, haemorrhoids, cellulitis and diabetic neuropathy. Standardized horsechestnut extract is considered to be an extremely valuable aid in the treatment


Common Name: Horsetail Botanical Name: Equisetum arvense Part Used: Herb Ratio: 1:1 Horsetail: May be helpful with Cystitis, Inflammed prostate, Urinary incontinence. Horsetail has a high silicon content (a mineral needed for bone health) and as such has been used


What are Hot Flushes Herbal Drops? A blend of herbs traditionally used to alleviate hot flushes in association with menopause. Who are Hot Flush herbal drops for? Hot flush herbal drops are for anyone who is suffering


What are IBS Herbal Drops? IBS Herbal drops are a blend of herbs traditionally used for irritable bowel syndrome symptoms. Who are IBS herbal drops for? IBS herbal drops are for anyone suffering gut symptoms such as


What are Immune Anti-Viral Drops? Immune Anti-Viral Herbal is for helping to strengthen and support the lungs, boost immune health and reduce the length and severity of viruses. Who are Immune Anti-Viral drops for? Anyone who is wanting


What are Immune Tonic? Immune Boost Herbal Drops are a blend of herbal drops traditionally used to boost the immune system at the first sign of a viral infection or during times of stress. Who is Immune


What are Inflammation Herbal Drops? Inflammation herbal drops are excellent herbs that combat inflammation and its symptoms from its roots. Who are Inflammation herbal drops for? Inflammation herbal drops are for anyone who is experiencing inflammation of


Common Name: Jamaican Dogwood Botanical Name: Piscidia erythrina/ P. piscipula Part Used: Root / Bark Ratio: 1:2 Relief of neuralgia, headache, sleeplessness. Relief of nervous tension, anxiety. Jamaican Dogwood Liquid Herb may be helpful for anxiety and fear,


Common Name: Japanese Knotweed Botanical Name: Polygonum cuspidatum Part Used: Root Ratio: 1:2 Active constituent: Resveratrol One of the most well known and widely relied on benefits of Japanese knotweed is its apparent effect on cognitive disorders, like Alzheimer’s disease


Common Name: Juniper Berry Botanical Name: Juniperus communis Part Used: Berry Ratio: 1:1 Juniper Berry is a medicinal herb that is used for urinary tract infections (UTIs) and kidney and bladder stones. Kidney Health Juniper is a powerful diuretic herb that


Common Name: Kava Botanical Name: Piper methysticum Part Used: Root Ratio: Actives: contains 10 mg/mL of kavalactones Kava herbal drops  may be helpful with Stress, insomnia, IBS and Toothache. Kava root is packed with a range of organic compounds and


What are Kidney Herbal Drops? Kidney herbal drops promote a healthy kidney and avoid reoccurring kidney issues. Who are kidney herbal drops for? Regular consumption of kidney herbal drops helps to improve overall kidney function and aid


What are Kidney Stones Herbal Drops? Kidney Stones Herbal Drops:  A blend of herbs traditionally used to help with breaking down kidney stones. Who are Kidney Stones herbal drops for? Kidney stones herbal is suited for anyone


Common Name: Korean Ginseng Botanical Name: Panax ginseng Part Used: Root Ratio: 1:2 Korean Ginseng also known as Panax Ginseng, may be helpful with Fatigue, Stress and Impotence. Korean Ginseng helps to improve physical and mental performance and concentration. It


Common Name: Ladies Mantle Botanical Name: Alchemilla vulgaris Part Used: Herb Ratio: 1:1 Ladies Mantle Liquid Herb may be helpful with Menorrhagia, metrorrhagia, endometriosis and menopause. Ladies mantle is a powerful female herb for anytime during a women’s reproductive life.


Common Name: Lavender Botanical Name: Lavandula angustifolia Part Used: Flower Ratio: 1:1 The most important health benefits of Lavender (Lavendula angustifolia) Liquid Herb includes its ability to relieve stress, improve mood, promote restful sleep, lower skin irritation, prevent


Common Name: Lemon Balm Botanical Name: Melissa officinalis Part Used: Herb Ratio: 1:1 Sometimes, the most beneficial natural health remedies are the ones that have been around the longest. That’s certainly the case with lemon balm, a fast-growing herb


Common Name: Licorice Botanical Name: Glycyrrhiza glabra Part Used: Root Ratio: 1:1 Licorice may be helpful with Low blood pressure, peptic ulcer, reflux, PCOS and stress. Herbalists have used licorice for centuries to relieve adrenal gland stress and support the


Common Name: Lime Flowers Botanical Name: Tilia cordata Part Used: Flower Ratio: 1:1 Lime Flowers Liquid Herb (Linden, Tilia cordata, little leaf linden, Small-leaved Lime, Small-leaved Linden) may be helpful with Fever, cold, flu and anxiety. Lime Flower has


What are Liver Tonic Herbal Drops? Are a blend of herbs that specifically help the liver to detox and boosts the organ's ability to filter toxins from the blood. Who are Liver tonic herbal drops for? Liver


Common Name: Lomatium Botanical Name: Lomatium dissectum Part Used: Root Ratio: 1:2 Lomatium (lomatium dissectum)  contains antiviral properties that have been shown to be a potent treatment for viral illnesses such as influenza, shingles, measles, chicken pox, mononucleosis


What are Lower Circulation Herbal Drops? A blend of herbs traditionally used to alleviate tired, aching legs and the symptoms of spider veins and varicose veins. Who are Lower Circulation herbal drops for? Anyone with symptoms such


What are Lung Herbal Drops? Lung Herbal is for helping to strengthen and support the lungs. Who are Lung drops for? Anyone who is wanting to optimise their lung health and also for anyone who is suffering from