Single liquid herbs - 'Alcohol Free' available. Enquire if needed.


Common Name: Small Leafed Willow Botanical Name: Epilobium parviflorum Part Used: Herb Ratio:1:1 Epilobium has been traditionally used in treatments of numerous conditions: prostate enlargement, inflammation of the prostate (prostatitis), gastrointestinal disorders, kidney and bladder disorders, rectal bleeding, menstrual


Common Name: Euphorbia Botanical Name: Euphorbia hirta Part Used: Aerial parts Ratio: 1:2 Euphorbia is useful to help alleviate asthma, bronchitis, chest congestion, flu and cold. Euphorbia boosts the immune system against viral infections and fungal infections. A person suffering from


Common Name: Eyebright Botanical Name: Euphrasia officinalis Part Used: Herb Ratio: 1:1 Eyebright liquid (Euphrasia) is a herb that may be helpful with sinusitis, hay fever, ear ache, sinus headache, dry eyes, allergy and congestion. Eyebright contains tannins, alkaloids, sterols,


Common Name: False Unicorn Botanical Name: Chamaelirium luteum Part Used: Root Ratio: 1:2 False Unicorn Root may be helpful with infertility for females. Other Common Names of False Unicorn Root are Fairywand, helionas dioica, helonias lutea, veratrum luteum, chamaelirium carolinianum,


Common Name: Fennel Botanical Name: Foeniculum vulgare Part Used: Fruit Ratio: 1:1 Fennel is considered quite useful for relieving various ailments, ranging from congestion and stomach gas to asthma and diabetes. The seeds contain powerful phytonutrients and antioxidants, the


Common Name: Fenugreek Botanical Name: Trigonella foenum-graecum Part Used: Seed Ratio: 1:1 Fenugreek may help with numerous digestive problems, such as upset stomach, constipation and inflammation of the stomach. For instance, the water-soluble fiber in fenugreek, among other foods,


Common Name: Feverfew Botanical Name: Tanacetum parthenium Part Used: Herb Ratio: 1:1 Feverfew is an ancient herb that helps with migraines, reduces inflammation, soothes skin irritation, and protects against UV radiation-induced skin damage. Also known as ‘medieval aspirin’, this plant


Common Name: Garlic Botanical Name: Allium sativum Part Used: Bulb Ratio:1:1 Garlic is used in traditional herbal medicine, including Western, Chinese and Ayurveda, for the symptomatic relief of upper respiratory tract infections and catarrhal conditions and viruses. Aids in the


Common Name: Gentian Botanical Name: Gentiana lutea Part Used: Root Ratio: 1:1 Gentian has a long standing herbal reputation as a digestive tonic and stimulant, and is an ingredient in a number of European apperitifs. The intensely bitter taste


Common Name: Ginger Botanical Name: Zingiber officinale Part Used: Rhizome Ratio: 1:2 Ginger contains a diverse array of many important vitamins and minerals. It also contains gingerol, a compound with potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that has been


Common Name: Ginkgo Botanical Name: Ginkgo biloba Part Used: Leaf Ratio: 1:1 Support for healthy blood flow to the brain and periphery. Support for healthy vision. Support for improved concentration, memory, cognitive performance. Support for healthy peripheral


Common Name: Globe Artichoke Botanical Name: Cynara scolymus Part Used: Leaf Ratio: 1:1 Globe Artichoke leaves contain a number phenolic acids, flavonoids (rutin, luteolin), cynarin and sesquiterpenes (especially caryophyllene and beta-selinene). It also contains tannins, sugar substances, inulin, mucus


Common Name: Glossy Privet Botanical Name: Ligustrum lucidum, Nu-Zhen-Zi Part Used: Fruit Ratio: 1:1 Glossy privet is mainly used to treat age related symptoms such as blurred vision, tinnitus, rheumatic pains, palpitations, backache, insomnia, kidney stones, osteoporosis, tinnitus and premature greying of hair. Osteoporosis


Common Name: Goat's Rue Botanical Name: Galaega officinalis Part Used: Herb Ratio: 1:1 Goat's Rue (Galega officials) may be helpful with increasing breast milk production, specifically quality. Goats Rue stimulates the development of mammary tissue. It also promotes rapid natural breast


Common Name: Golden Rod Botanical Name: Solidago virgaurea Part Used: Herb Ratio: 1:1 Golden Rod (Solidago canadenis) may be helpful with cystitis. Goldenrod has a history for use with the bladder and urinary system. The astringent and antiseptic qualities tighten


Common Name: Golden Seal Botanical Name: Hydrastis canadensis Part Used: Root & Rhizome Ratio:1:3 Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis) may be helpful with chronic sinusitis, hay fever, ear ache, conjunctivitis, improve bowel flora and infection. Anticatarrhal, trophorestorative for mucous membranes, antimicrobial. Golden Seal


Common Name: Gotu Kola Botanical Name: Centella asiatica Part Used: Herb Ratio: 1:1 One of the benefits of Gotu Kola is its potential to improve cognition and sharpen memory. Thanks to its strong memory-enhancing abilities, this powerful plant has


Common Name: Gravel Root Botanical Name: Eupatorium purpureum Part Used: Root Ratio: 1:1 Gravel Root: May be helpful with Kidney stones, gallstones. The origin of the name “gravel root” is appropriately attributed to its popularity as an herb believed to


Common Name: Graviola Botanical Name: Annona muricata Part Used: Leaf Ratio:1:2 Graviola's scientific name is annona muricata and, it's commonly called soursop, guanabana, Brazilian paw paw or custard apple. The leaves of the graviola tree may have powerful properties coming


Common Name: Green Tea Botanical Name: Camellia sinensis Part Used: Leaf Ratio: 1:1 Some of the antioxidants and healing compounds found in green tea include polyphenols, catechins and various other types of flavonoids — the same anti-aging compounds found


Common Name: Grindelia Botanical Name: Grindelia robusta Part Used: Herb Ratio: 1:1 Grindelia may be helpful with asthma, bronchiatis and cough. Grindelia has a calming effect on the heart muscles, which makes it effective in the natural treatment of


Common Name: Gymnema Botanical Name: Gymnema sylvestre Part Used: Leaf Ratio: 1:1 Gymnema may be helpful with Diabetes, sweet craving, high cholesterol. This Ayurvedic herb helps balance blood sugar, control cravings and thus aids weight loss. As well as being


Common Name: Hawthorn Berries Botanical Name: Crataegus monogyna Part Used: Berry Ratio: 1:1 Hawthorn may be helpful with High Blood Pressure, as it is a cardiotonic. Hawthorne berries are known to dilate the coronary arteries and blood vessels, and improve


Common Name: Hemidesmus Botanical Name: Hemidesmus indicus Part Used: Root Ratio: 1:1 Hemidesmus Indica (Anantmool, Indian Sarsparilla) may be helpful with Autoimmune disease, arthritis, skin disorders. Hemidesmus is traditionally used in inflammatory and autoimmune conditions and is often the first


Common name: Holy Basil Botanical name: Ocimum tenuiflorum Part used: Leaf Ratio: 1:2 Tulsi Fatigue, stress and related conditions, mood disorders (anxiety and mild depression), generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), poor memory and cognition, Alzheimer’s disease. • Cardiovascular tonic, blood pressure, stroke. •


Common Name: Hops Botanical Name: Humulus lupus Part Used: Strobile Ratio: 1:1 Hops (humulus lupus) may be helpful with Insomnia, anxiety, and menopause. The dried, flowering part of hops is used to make medicine. Hops is used for anxiety, inability


Common Name: Horse Chestnut Botanical Name: Aesculus hippocastanum Part Used: Seed Ratio: 1:1 Horsechestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum) may be helpful with Varicose veins, haemorrhoids, cellulitis and diabetic neuropathy. Standardized horsechestnut extract is considered to be an extremely valuable aid in the treatment


Common Name: Horsetail Botanical Name: Equisetum arvense Part Used: Herb Ratio: 1:1 Horsetail: May be helpful with Cystitis, Inflammed prostate, Urinary incontinence. Horsetail has a high silicon content (a mineral needed for bone health) and as such has been used


Common Name: Jamaican Dogwood Botanical Name: Piscidia erythrina/ P. piscipula Part Used: Root / Bark Ratio: 1:2 Relief of neuralgia, headache, sleeplessness. Relief of nervous tension, anxiety. Jamaican Dogwood Liquid Herb may be helpful for anxiety and fear,


Common Name: Japanese Knotweed Botanical Name: Polygonum cuspidatum Part Used: Root Ratio: 1:2 Active constituent: Resveratrol One of the most well known and widely relied on benefits of Japanese knotweed is its apparent effect on cognitive disorders, like Alzheimer’s disease