Are you starting to sniffle and sneeze? Feeling a dry cough coming through? Spring is in the air and that means that now more than ever, my patients are reporting those familiar symptoms we all know too well! Itchy and puffy eyes, a running nose, red watery eyes are common at this time of the year, thanks to the increase of pollen in the air causing Spring allergies. Wheezing and hives is another classic sign of allergies associated with the change in season. At this time of the year I am sure to always keep enough stock of our go-to treatment for Spring Allergies – the Herbs Online Shop Allergy Herb Extract Drops. 

Our Allergy Herb Extract Drops are crafted using herbs designed to noticably decrease the effects of Spring Allergies. A perfect blend of natural herbs – Albizia, Eyebright, burdock, nettle and calendula have been used traditionally to lessen the symptoms of allergies and my patients have confirmed the drops make a real difference! Suitable for the entire family, these herbs are safe, natural and effective in helping to decrease inflammation, promote respiratory health and are extremely supportive of a healthy immune system.

During Spring time, allergies (also known as Hay Fever) start to show up due to the increase of pollen in the air, most commonly from weeds, grasses and trees due to the fact that these are wind pollenated, which means they stay in the air much longer than insect pollenated plants. It is very common to suffer symptoms of asthma as well during this time and these drops can help ease those symptoms too! 

So why do our bodies react the way they do during Spring time? Well, it’s all thanks to our incredible immune systems which identifies the airborne pollen as dangerous (which it usually is not at all!) so when this happens, our immune system kicks into gear to tries and fight it. This is done through the release of histamines which are released into our blood stream. It is those chemicals which trigger the symptoms we know as Hay Fever. At this time, it is common to purchase over the counter drugs to combat these symptoms, however these drugs are themselves chemicals with many brands including other substances in the medication that can cause unpleasant side effects. The Herbs Online Shop Allergy Herb Extract Drops do not cause nasty side effects, and you can be assured the only ingredients you will be putting into your body are of the highest quality and 100% natural. 

Conditions such as eczema and recurring ear infections can also be successfully reduced and treated with Allergy Herb Extract Drops due to the fact that these conditions are often caused by allergies.

There is enough evidence to suggest that Albizia it is a very useful medicine, particularly for allergic conditions. Human and laboratory tests have shown that albizia has the capacity to heal allergies by its effect on mast cells. Mast cells are immune cells that play a key role in defence against infection and also in the allergic response. 

According to one study, eyebright (which is a key Herb in these drops) is composed of 50 percent tannins. What are tannins? Basically, they are an astringent chemical (this means they cause the contraction of skin cells and other body tissues) which reduces the secretion of mucus in the body and can therefore improve the firmness of tissues and relieve irritation in the nose. Just as importantly, Quercetin, a flavonoid found in eyebright, inhibits the release of histamines (remember it is the histamines that cause the symptoms!) It is the very presence of these phytochemicals which allow the herb to work wonders as a natural anti-histamine and therefore a wonderful treatment for allergies. 

If you’re not already, why not follow Herbs Online Shop on both Instagram and Facebook. We have a new 30 Day Challenge starting in October to kick start our Summer Slimming series so stay tuned for that!!